Airmid's Journal is a biannual journal of Irish foraging, folklore, myth, magic, and remedies.
Weaving together a multiplicity of expressions, we aim to promote radical ways of relating with the land that is rooted in relationship with our ecological and social ecosystems.

We strive to:
-Highlight folkways/lifeways/culture as living breathing fluid, not archaic and fixed
-Reject and challenge cultural hegemony/dominant cultural norms - classism, racism, ableism, white supremacy, homophobia, transphobia etc. and to highlight points of resistance.
-Explore what shape a decolonial future might take and approach these questions with curiosity, relationality and creativity.
-Amplify and seek out points of inter- and intra- community connection
-Support and encourage artists, writers, musicians etc with paid work
-Foster solidarity and grow webs of kinship with grassroots community based projects through the redistribution of a portion of funds raised.
-Promote personal stories and research-driven essays
-Cultivate interrelated ways of knowing across species and biomes
-Find joy in resistance and understand this to be a core ingredient in collective liberation from capitalist oppression.

Lucy O’Hagan (They/She) is an ancestral skills teacher, wildlife tracker, ethnobotanist and rites of passage guide. Lucy is passionate about rekindling the skills and knowledge we once knew so intimately which connect us to place, each other and to ourselves. Lucy brewed up the dream of Airmid’s Journal in 2018 with the wish to celebrate the diverse and joyous ways of being in relationship with the land, with the plants as connective tissue. Lucy is happiest wandering through the woods, following deer trails and nibbling on whatever medicine nature offers.
Denise Conroy is a multi-disciplinary artist based in Tipperary, Ireland. With work rooted in and deeply entwined with folklore, mythology, history, and ecology, they seek to explore - through image and word and sound - themes of place, community, interdependence, liminality, rupture, loss, and ultimately - love.
You can discover more about Denise’s work through Votive Illustration.
Airmid’s Journal
‘Threshold’ issue
10% of profits will go to support Alliance for Choice Derry. Alliance for choice Derry are a direct action grassroots group who fight for reproductive justice in the North and South of Ireland, and offer international solidarity.
Contributions from;
Sam Ó Fearraigh, Enagh Farrell, Hag Club, Tommy Foster, Hannah Laga Abram, Annie Hogg, Emily Waszak, Natalia Beylis
‘Elder’ Issue
This issue is created in solidarity with the ‘Love our Lough’ campaign, and 10% of profits will be donated to Save our Sperrins’. Both collectives work to cherish, celebrate and protect these vast elders for present and future generations.
With contributions from:
Annemarie Ní Churreáin
Kerri ní Dochartaigh
Dr Louise Taylor
Aindrias de Staic
Han Hogan
Tara Baoth Mooney
Suzie Cahn
Laura Wade
Denise Conroy
Lucy Ní hAodhágain
All profits to families fleeing genocide in Gaza.
With contributions from:
With information about the following Irish organisations working in solidarity with Palestine.
With contributions from;
Denise Conroy ‘Fer Éinleabtha’
Queer Sheds
Tadhg Mac Eoghain ‘Home scars’
Brian Lacey ‘Queer Ireland’
Amir Abu Alrob ‘Forbidden Love’
Santiago Rial ‘Of grá and Irish lads’
Rev Llewyn Máire ‘Botanical invocations (after Sappho)’
Aster Reem David ‘Sowing Solidarity’
Dylan Kerr ‘An Maighdean Mhara’
El Reid-Buckley ‘An introduction to fermented intimacies’
Bulelani Mfaco ‘Love Hurts’
Sage Jaffrey ‘My Body, My Territory’
Denise Conroy ‘Beyond Duality’
Lucy Ní hAodhagáin ‘Arán Dearcán’
Raising funds in solidarity with Transharm reduction -
With contributions from;
Amano Miura; 舌 Tongue (Shita)
Johan Sandberg McGuinne; ‘I long to kiss your scarred lips with a decolonised tongue’
Aoife de Bhál; ‘Beann Mhadagáin’
Rónán Ó Raghallaigh; ‘Tá Mé Gul Awailí’
Ola Majekodunmi; ‘Glow’ & ‘Lost’
Leasha Hogan; ‘Teanga na Plandaí’
Catriona Ní Ghribín; ‘An Rún’ & ‘Gailtín Tí Móir’
Cré; Aoife Hammond & Steve Finnerty; Amhráin agus Foinn
Denise Conroy; An bhfuil Gaeilge Agaibh & Cailb
Lucy O’Hagan; ‘Ag déanamh cnuasaigh Sleabhac’
& ‘Ar lorg na Teanga’ with Denise Conroy

We sell wholesale to stockists around the world - just get in touch!
We post all over the world.
Current stockists include:
The Fumbally (Dublin, Ireland)
The Library Project, Dublin